This morning the municipal administration of Stigliano met a delegation of Italgas, concessionaire company of the service of distribution of natural gas city.
The initiative aimed to illustrate the operational methods adopted by the company in the operation of the city network, with particular reference to pipeline monitoring techniques.
Specifically, Italgas presented Optosensing, a cutting-edge technology that allows, through the application of two optical fiber sensors on the pipeline, to monitor in real time any change in the position and/or temperature of the laid network which may be caused, for example, by geological movements or neighbouring activities on the territory.
Thanks to the Optosensing system, it is possible to optimize maintenance operations and know in real time the status of each pipe segment.
In addition, thanks to the installation of equipment on buildings, it is possible to monitor even the smallest movements that the same houses can suffer due to landslides.
So, double security, for the network and for real estate.
Italgas has put into operation the first section of network equipped with Optosensing technology in the national territory in December 2023, thus giving the start to a continuous and even more punctual monitoring activity of the infrastructure.
The data collected by the system may be made available to the Entities for research purposes, as well as as a further contribution to improve monitoring of the territory.